My mission is to dare you to unmute yourself, to believe in the power of your voice to change your life, your work and the world.
Do you hear the whisper?
The whisper that’s been there for so long (but got drown out while you were busy “doing life”). That whisper is your inner wisdom that knows you better than anyone else.
And if you’re on this site, I’m guessing that whisper is getting harder and harder to ignore.
Here’s what I KNOW:
Listening to that little whisper is the fastest way back to your Power, to your Truth, to your Voice. All the elements of who you truly are.
And that voice will lead you to an Unexpected Life. A life that defies expectations, amplifies your impact and disrupts the status quo.
A life of a Redefiner.
Redefiners are adventurers who are ready to carve a new path built from a powerful sense of knowing they are meant for something “other than this”. Some might call it a “Calling” or a “Mission”. At the very least, they’re ready to break a few rules so they can transform their lives or disrupt their industry from the status quo.
That is where I come in……
Through Resequencing, we will pave the way for you to “un-learn” the habits that created the life and work you no longer desire. We will provide strategic challenges and support to take courageous actions all along the way. You will defy your own expectations and craft all of the elements for you Unexpected Life.
Resequencing is a method that will take you from bystander to change-maker in 3 steps. And because we like to have a little fun around here, we’ve made them easy to remember the 9 Cs.